martes, 26 de junio de 2007

Transition Updates & more!!

hey all!!

We are officially in the last week of transition!!

but what happened all these days:

Despite all the arrivals & depatures & then again arrivals finally we are ALL in Madrid!

We finished since the first week the team transition and 2nd,3rd & 4th week are the individual transitions!!everyone is very excited, motivated and HAPPY!yeah!!we are so happy!!a huge family of 10, living and working together!!!

From a current's perspective, we wouldnt like to leave!!it would be soo cool to be alltogether!!hehe!!

We had also our MC transition party!!!since 19:00 we were cooking on the roof making all neighbors jealous!!haha!!but also we drunk a lot (hhmmm!!) and danced also!!soon photos from the party will be uploaded ;-))
till then...
enjoy... although some of you are still in exams ;-(

2 comentarios:

Angel dijo...
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Angel dijo...

In the party we had a barbecue!!

The barbecue dissapeared =(