viernes, 1 de junio de 2007

Exciting Times in Callao 1 & Palos de la Frontera 24!

Do you all remember them??
Aren't they the most "beautiful & sexy individuals" ever???
Yeah! That's true!!!
But it's time to keep them in your memory... (never forget them!!)
the NEW MC TEAM of AIESEC in SPAIN started arriving in Madrid since yesterday morning!!!
Ale (MCVP Fe) came yesterday morning from Mexico!!!
And Angelito (MCVP ERe) came later on!!! Today we expect Juan (MCVP Communication & ISe) to arrive and tommorow Luis (MCVP Xe) from Portugal!!
By mid June all of them will be here!!
Transition agenda is ready and we are anticipating soooo much having this month ALL together!!!
I was talking with Gina these days, analysing how do we feel!we remembered our first day in Madrid and our extraordinary nights & days with Tonicito in our "super room", the living room!!haha!
I guess, we can understand them better than anyone right now and we are READY to transmit them ALL that we can!;-)
For us, i guess, is a moment to start packing, changing rooms, put in boxes clothes, etc but most importantly, ALL our memories, good or bad, because at the end of the day, these are what brought us together!!
And seriously....
Just SMILE & WAVE!!!Because at the end, the truth is that, we enjoyed our term till the limits!!
It's time for us to let ALL these amazing and motivated people,BLOW AiS, as Toni says, and being totaly PROUD of them!
Let the show begin....!!!
Stay tuned for more updates!
Olguita..un mes mas... Espanola!hahaa

3 comentarios:

Gina dijo...

I totally agree with Olguita!!! I love u guys sooooo much!!!!!! our Spanish MC term is getting to the end! So, let's the beat goes on!!!! =D


sarita dijo...

beautiful people indeed ;-)

I'm so sad that I can't be with you already!!! Soooo much looking forward to joining my team in Madrid very very sooooon!

Have fun and yeah, let's blow AiS :-D

Olguita dijo...

after yesterday's night i think i changed my mind!!!hahaah
it was soo hard to move and pack everything!!!and have 2 more people in my room!!
when it comes to ginita is OK!!anyways we are used to share and have fun!!
But when it comes to Navis....
having him snoring like a frog!!!and moving like crazy!!!i thought he will break the bed and fell over me!!!
f*&%$ literas!!!you will see Sarah, how are your new "beds"!!!