viernes, 29 de junio de 2007

Hello and Goodbye

Aren't we just beautiful? ;-)
The Day has finally come, when the new team is in charge and the old team is enjoying their well-deserved holidays. Thanks Nava, Gina and Olga for giving us all the transition we needed to do a great job this year and as well the inofficial transition of enjoying life on the MC in Spain :-)
They will still be around next week at the conference here in Madrid (that we are working on right now, so expect the final agenda and a cool name soon!) so you can say bye to them.

As for the MC Team 07-08 we've just come back from planning in Blanes (near Barcelona) and are extremely eager to put into place all the cool strategies we've come up with for this year. Pictures and more from planning are up on this blog soon so watch this space!

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